Películas>Un cuento: El mito de Pecos Bill>Banda sonora

Un cuento: El mito de Pecos Bill

  • Randy Edelman
  • ·
  • 1995

1. Opening (4:38)

2. Awakening to Pecos Bill (5:17)

3. Foor Race to Paradise (1:59)

4. Crossing Paths (2:08)

5. John Henry (3:04)

6. Stiles Confronts the Town Folk (2:10)

7. Burnt Dessert (2:12)

8. Mill Fight and Triumph (3:07)

9. Boar Ride (2:23)

10. Tower Climb (2:21)

11. The Dimwits meet Paul Buryan (2:49)

12. Shared Experience (2:19)

13. Parting (2:05)

14. Closing/Prized Possession (2:10)
