Películas>Ocean's Thirteen>Banda sonora

Ocean's Thirteen

  • Varios Artistas
  • ·
  • 2007

1. Not Their Fight

2. 11, 12 & 13

3. Benedict Returns

4. Kensington Chump

5. Trapdoor Man

6. Laptops

7. Zippo's

8. Shit!Shit!Shit!

9. Dice Men

10. Diamond Location

11. The Nose

12. "Caravan" - Puccio Roelens

13. "Suite Bergamasque, Claire De Lune, No. 3" - Isao Tomita

14. Grand Opening

15. Earthquake

16. Fender Roads

17. Snake Eyes

18. All Sewn Up

19. "This Town" - Frank Sinatra

20. "Soul Town" - The Motherhood
