Películas>Los Amantes del vampiro>Banda sonora

Los Amantes del vampiro

  • Varios Artistas
  • ·
  • 2002

1. Baron Harlog's Story

2. Opening Credits

3. The Man In Black

4. Laura's First Nightmare

5. Marcilla By Moonlight

6. Marcilla And Laura

7. Laura's Second Nightmare

8. Laura Is Dead, Marcilla Is Gone

9. Attack In The Woods

10. Emma Meets Carmilla

11. Playing Around

12. Emma's First Nightmare

13. Another Attack

14. Carmilla And Emma

15. Carmilla And The Governess

16. The Doctors Visit

17. Carmila Kills The Doctor

18. The Karnsteins Have Returned

19. The Governess Is Tormented

20. Harlog Re-Tells The Story

21. Carmilla And Benton, Harlog Continues The Story

22. Carmilla's Power

23. Carmilla Is Destroyed

24. The Mortons Leave The Ball (Waltz)

25. The Countess And Marcilla Arrive (Waltz)

26. A Sinister Message (Waltz)

27. Where Is Marcilla? (Waltz)

28. Accordian (Benton At The Inn)
