Películas>King Kong (2005)>Banda sonora

King Kong (2005)

  • James Newton Howard
  • ·
  • 2005

1. King Kong

2. Fateful Meeting

3. Defeat Is Always Momentary

4. It's in the Subtext

5. Two Grand

6. Venture Departs

7. Last Blank Space on the Map

8. It's Deserted

9. Something Monstrous...Neither Beast Nor Man

10. Head Towards the Animals

11. Beautiful

12. Tooth and Claw

13. That's All There Is...

14. Captured

15. Central Park

16. Empire State Building

17. Beauty Killed the Beast 1

18. Beauty Killed the Beast 2

19. Beauty Killed the Beast 3

20. Beauty Killed the Beast 4

21. Beauty Killed the Beast 5
