Películas>Aventuras en la Corte del Rey Arturo>Banda sonora
Aventuras en la Corte del Rey Arturo
- J.A.C. Redford
- ·
- 1995
1. A Kid In King Arthur's Court(Main Title) (2:46)
2. Strike Out / Earthquake (2:57)
3. Captured In Camelot (3:11)
4. Combat Rock (2:26)
5. Now Let Us Eat! (2:04)
6. Merlin's Lair (2:30)
7. Two Modest Proposals (2:36)
8. Succesfull Swording (1:24)
9. The Law Of The Land (1:55)
10. Calvin And Katie (2:54)
11. The Plot Thickens (4:30)
12. Between You And Me / Under Arrest (2:34)
13. You Do Care (1:32)
14. Horses To Water (1:33)
15. Rescuing Katie (4:07)
16. The Fight In The Castle / Sir Calvin Of Reseda (3:37)
17. The Tournament (4:34)
18. Black Magic (1:59)
19. In Shining Armour (2:23)
20. Warm Goodbyes / Home Run (4:16)
21. A Kid In King Arthur's Court (End Title) (3:04)
22. The Conscience Of The King, Liona Boyd (4:34)