Películas>Los Inmortales: El Origen>Banda sonora


Los Inmortales: El Origen

  • George Kallis

  •  · 

  • 2007

1. A World In Disorder (4:38)

2. The Guardian Rises (5:41)

3. Immortal Telecommunications (0:52)

4. The Guardian Approaches (3:57)

5. Zai Vs the Guardian (4:13)

6. Reminiscing (3:21)

7. To the Monastry (1:55)

8. The Elder & the Ancients (3:24)

9. Joe Falls (3:58)

10. Outside the Monastry (1:02)

11. Sailing to the Island (1:23)

12. The Blue House (1:28)

13. Reunited (2:43)

14. Cannibals (3:02)

15. To Be Mortal (1:47)

16. MacLeod Escape (1:08)

17. The Source & MacLeod's Theme (2:12)

18. Giovanni's Punishment (1:36)

19. The Fight for Anna (4:59)

20. The Sun Is Gonna Shine, John Sloman & Tamasin Hardy (4:42)

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